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Art For The Movie Buff In Your Life

Have you ever had a problem finding the perfect gift for someone special in your life? More than likely, the answer is yes, and on more than one occasion. Whether buying for a birthday, Christmas, anniversary, graduation, or another event, locating the ideal gift is not an easy task. Well, if the individual you are shopping for is a movie buff, we have some options available that can continue giving them joy for years to come.

Of course, there are loads of unoriginal ideas like DVDs, VHS tapes, or even streaming devices, but why not try something a bit unique and different this year? Present the recipient with a piece of movie art that they can hang on their wall and view day in and day out. You will know that you have made the right choice after seeing their wide eyes and huge smile upon opening the gift. So, read further to learn about a few of the pieces that we have available. Don't worry if they aren't the correct ones for your situation though as there are plenty more and all you have to do is take a look around our site.

Stormtrooper Art For The Star Wars Lover

The artist behind this masterpiece is Mike Mitchell. It depicts a stormtrooper facing to the side on a red backdrop. There were 2,460 of the prints created, but this one is both signed and numbered. It is a good choice for those that enjoy details as the trooper's suit has plenty of them. This unit is nicely sized at 12" x 16" so that it is easy to see. Plus, it is reasonably priced at a mere $200.

Something For The Guardians Of The Galaxy Fan

The creator of this 24" x 36" art is Kelly Vance. It is one of only 225 prints and is numbered accordingly. This piece features Gamora in all of her glory front and center. She is wielding a sword in one hand and a knife in the other ready to take on any and all challengers. There are vivid colors of green, blue, and purple that are sure to brighten up any room. Also, as with the stormtrooper item, this one has a fair price tag of $200 too. So, don't delay any longer. Instead, get the movie buff in your life one of these sensational gifts before they are sold out.